
Fetch relevant information about snow plow units


Find all available snowplow units. Returns relevant information of all units.


Find snowplow unit by ID and query data by history. Returns an unit with the specific ID or its location history with parameter history.


Find all machine types available in system without contract restriction. Returns relevant information of all machine types.


Find machine type available in system by ID. Returns machine type with the specific ID .


Pattern: /mt/query?id={searchId}. Query machine type available in system by search ID. Returns machine type with the specific search ID. Machine type SearchId: 1: Kuorma-auto 2: Monitoimiautot 3: Willet ja Traktorit 4: Pyöräkuormaajat


Find main operation available in system by ID. Returns main operation with the specific ID .


Find all operations available in system with operation restriction. The operation is defined in scope of given contract and this interface returns relevant information of all operations in specific contract.


Find operation available in system by ID. Returns operation with the specific ID .


Pattern: /query?since={time}&op={operationId}&mt={machineTypeid}&limit={amount}.
Query snowplow unit data by parameters. Returns units fulfill the query conditions. At least one parameter should be provided.